Whether you relied on the office coffee or took your daily walk to the coffee shop nearby for your morning/mid-morning/afternoon jolt, our Brew Bottle can change your day and give you that mental boost you need, among many other things – including:
Taste. It sounds simple enough, but we mean it. The Brew Bottle just makes better tasting coffee – and isn’t that right up there with the caffeine part?
Sustainability. With the world the way it is right now, sustainability is being sidelined in certain ways that are understandable: New York City had to suspend its collection of organic food waste in order to divert the funding to Covid-19 projects, single-use gloves and masks are being consumed at an alarming rate, and cleaning wipes and paper towels are as well. Your coffee can stay sustainable. The Brew Bottle’s only waste is coffee grounds, and if you’re already composting your organic waste yourself then you can just add this to the heap. If not, coffee grounds make good cleaning supplies and excellent exfoliants.
Convenience. Is the commute from the couch to the kitchen really that long and arduous? Sometimes, yes. But it’s the best one you’ll get.
Options. The Brew Bottle makes delicious pour-over AND cold brew – and with the weather getting warmer, nothing beats ice-cold coffee.
Ritual. Getting through each day right now is a challenge and one thing that we find comforting is ritual. Something that grounds us in the midst of all of the chaos. The Brew Bottle provides that. For some of us, it’s the steps of making it: boil the water, grind the beans, scoop the grounds, pour the water, decide if it’s a milk or sugar kinda day, and then the first sip: mmmm. For others, it’s the walk around the block with our freshly brewed coffee, six-feet away from everyone but feeling the warmth of the sun and the spring breeze. Whatever your daily cup of coffee means to you – a system, a walk, a call to someone you love, an excuse to eat (another) cookie – we hope you enjoy it.
Stay strong, stay healthy, stay caffeinated.