Introducing: The Bottle Brush!
One of most asked Customer Service questions is the classic, “how do I clean this thing?”
As long as there are reusable water bottles, there will always be people who complain about whether or not it’s actually clean.
In 2017 we launched our original V1 bottle. The crowd favorite was designed to optimize the drinking experience – actually, most people say it feels like the bottle is giving you a kiss. With that bottle, we were very focused on the drinking experience but not necessarily focused on how to clean it.
Enter: V2. Even after launching V2, we knew that many customers still have V1 bottles and wanted to make sure we were developing a product that would be compatible with both. The brush has a bamboo handle (the shape was inspired by our existing pitcher handles). It also includes a silicone stand that suctions to your countertop (AKA, it’s not easy to knock over, even in a cleaning frenzy) and is designed to keep the handle dry.
So if you’re one of those people (or live with one of those people) who complain about water bottle cleanliness, we gotchu.