Soma's Summer Wellness Challenge!
With the weather heating up and the official start to summer just around the corner, we’re hooking you up with some wellness challenge ideas to keep you motivated, engaged, and inspired.
#1. Unplug Challenge
One of the hardest, which makes it one of our favorites. No matter how you fill your days, it’s safe to assume you could use a much needed digital detox. With summer approaching, places reopening, and vaccines becoming more widely available -- it's finally time to be present! We’re challenging you to go at least one hour per day without checking your phone (or any social media).
#2. Be Thankful Challenge
If you’ve made it through the past year, you deserve endless pats on the back. That was not easy. Whether you’re thankful for finally having the change to hug your mom, see your coworkers, or go back to the gym -- there’s always something you can be thankful for. We challenge you to write down something you’re grateful and thankful for every day.
#3. Summer Hobby Challenge
I’m sure over the past year you’ve attempted many new hobbies, from puzzles, to knitting, to learning TikTok dances -- anything to help fill the time. With the warm months, we’re challenging you to explore a new outdoor hobby. We recommend photography, hiking, outdoor yoga, or kayaking! Your challenge is to try a new hobby and stick with it!
#4. Fresh Fruit Challenge
Our most delicious challenge yet. Summer brings us some of the tastiest fruits of the year, including apples, blackberries, strawberries, cherries, and our personal fave -- peaches. We’re challenging you to eat at least three servings of fruit everyday! Get creative by mixing it into your breakfast cereal, snacking on it at lunch time, and we’ll even count it if you bake a dessert with it!
#5. H20 Challenge
We preach the benefits of water every season, but it really is most important during the hot summer months. As the temperature increases, along with your physical activity and time spent in the sun, it’s easy to get dehydrated. We’re challenging you to drink 8 glasses of water a day for a total of around 64 oz. each day -- we promise you’ll notice the benefits.